Classes are on!
Check out our with classes in…
BJJ, Muay Thai, Woman’s Only, Technique, Conditioning, Boxing, Sparring, No Gi, Wrestling, Kids Competition, Parent & Child, Homeschool, Leadership LIT, Open Mat
and MORE!
We’ve also added additional Parent & Child , so you can train Monday to Friday in the afternoon or evening! Making it easy for the whole family to participate together.
Whatever you’re looking for, we have you covered! Offering a variety of classes for all ages, morning, afternoon and evening. There’s something for everyone and easy to fit your schedule! We also offer our core programs online by Zoom.
So, what are you waiting for? Come join a class now.
The full schedule is on our website, you can view it here.
Remember to register for classes prior to attending by clicking here.
’ !
OAMA’s Black Friday Sale is on now!
Only 5 memberships left.
Are you in?
Reach out to us today for more details.
(613) 728-0880 or