Phone: 613-728-0880

From Schmo To PRO!

Are you ready for the experience of a life time? This program has been designed to take an average person with no martial art experience in 100 days ready to fight!

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You Will Grow With Every Class

Like a sponge you will absorb things quickly and easily – this program has been designed to help you grow quickly with confidence. In fact each lesson will build off the last one.

Not only will you be getting healthier as you learn martial arts, also you will be learning the value of self-discipline and focus. When you enroll in this program, you are going to gain much more than the physical fighting skills. You are gaining them the opportunity to thrive and grow together with a team.

Let The Obstacle Become The Way!

Martial arts training puts a strong emphasis on the importance of focus, and that carries over to home and work, as well as all aspects of life and beyond.

Through repetition and memorization, you will learn what you need to know to be ready to fight. You will learn Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, BJJ, Ground and Pound. You will learn how to protect yourself in a fun and safe atmosphere. You will also gain the mental discipline to avoid distractions and pursue your goals.

At the end of your 100 day training camp you will be fight ready. You will have the fitness, the fighting skills and mental toughness required to be fighting ready.


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Contact Us

1810 Carling Ave.

Ottawa, Ont.
Phone 613-728-0880
Only 10 Spots Remaining Limited Time Offer!

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